Saturday, March 1, 2014

Family Movie Night March 7 5:00PM

Everyone is invited to participate in Cornerstone KIDS movie this coming Friday night March 7:00. 5PM
There will be two "theaters" showing different movies that night. The shows will be decided by a drawing. We will post the movies later this week after everyone has had a chance to get their suggestion in the drawing.
Concession stand will be provided. Hot dogs, chips, fruit, and snacks. Everyone is encouraged to bring a snack to share for the "concession stand".
Any questions? Call Teri.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fruit of the Spirit

The KIDS in The Spot have been talking about Fruit of the Spirit. Here are some pictures of last Sunday when they were discussing Joy. They are enjoying some orange smiles.

Winter Weather Fun

How to Enjoy Ms. Teri's Favorite Weather.

When it's too cold to play outside what do you do? Here are a few ideas to fan the fires of your imagination.

Take a swim in the tub- maybe you don't want to get your swimsuit on and swim but you can have water play. Experiment with what things sink and what things float. Have races to see which items sink fastest. Experiment with how water changes different objects like, paper, chalk, Legos, salt, pepper, etc.

Blow bubbles- this is always a hit, no matter how old your child(ren) is. Here's a simple recipe:

Bubble Recipe (Without Glycerin)

1 cup water
1/2 cup dish soap (Dawn works well)
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1) Put all ingredients in a large cup, plastic jar, or other container. Stir SLOWLY.
Don't limit yourself to factory provided bubble blowers. Look for your own. Tie a shoe lace to form a loop and use it to make bubbles. Experiment to see what works best.

Turn the contents of your kitchen cabinets into percussion instruments. -Kids of all ages love noise, especially if they are providing it. Tap a rhythm and have them repeat it on their instrument. Let them tap and you repeat theirs.

Count things- this could become an all consuming project. Older kids can count the dry beans in the bag or the popcorn kernels. Small kids could count chairs or shoes. Give everyone a cool notebook and pen to write their results in.

Play dress up/Act out a story- Kids have so much fun when playing dress up. Be sure to take pictures and videos to share.

Build a blanket fort - Transform a bedroom or dining room into a far away jungle or mountain top and build a fort there. You could maybe even nap in your new fort or have a sleepover in it.

Build with blocks/Legos / Bristol blocks- There is no end to kids imagination. Take pictures of all of the creations for a scrapbook page.

Make music- if you are not musical just fire up Pandora, go to Family Folk Songs and sing along. The words are silly and the music is fun. You can even make up motions or dances to the songs.

Hide and seek- there are so many variations to this childhood game. Maybe a toy hides and everyone has to find it. Maybe you give clues to say if you are close or totally in the wrong place. Maybe kids hide and parents hunt. Maybe parents hide and kids hunt. Be creative.

Just enjoy being close even if its a bit claustrophobic. The memories will be worth it. Happy frosty days!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

MW KIDS week of August 25

John 13:1-30
We read this passage earlier in the week.  If your family has not had a chance to read it yet, see previous post.  This passage can be read many times as a family and it will continue to draw you closer to Jesus each time you read it.

After we read the passage we can go back and see what Jesus was up to.  Jesus was hanging out with his close friends, his disciples.  They belonged together.  The disciples belonged to Jesus.  Jesus belonged to his friends, his disciples.  He was their teacher and they were learning from him what it meant to belong.  When Jesus washed their feet what do you think his actions were showing the disciples?  What was he, as their teacher and friend, trying to get them to understand?  Jesus was serving his friends, doing something for them that a servant should do.  But Jesus as their teacher was washing their feet.  Why would he do this? Serving? What does that mean?  Can you think of ways you could serve others?  Is that what Jesus was trying to teach his friends.....we should serve each other?

Who are your friends?  Do you ever have a chance to serve them?  Who are your enemies?  Would you have a chance to serve your enemies?  What would you need to do to have a chance to serve someone this week?  Seek out someone to serve.  Discuss as a family how you can serve others.  Come to Friends Day at Cornerstone and help serve others.  That is what Jesus did...he served.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

MW for KIDS week of August 25

John 13:1-30
This is a passage with many complicated parts. We read this passage and see many things we don't really understand. Why would Jesus' friend so something to hurt him? Why is Jesus, God's son, washing people's dirty feet? We will ponder those questions, and more, but one basic thing about this reading is that it is a passage about belonging. Jesus belongs to the Father. The disciples belong to Jesus. Jesus and the disciples belong to a group called Jews. We all belong to different groups. You belong to your class at school. You belong to your family. Maybe you belong to a sports team or a music group. We all want to belong. It seems the disciples were still trying to figure out what it meant to belong to Jesus. That is a good question for us to ponder this week....What does it mean to belong to Jesus?
Below you will see pics of Cornerstone KIDS celebrating their efforts to memorize this Miracle Word we talk about.

Friday, July 26, 2013

KIDS Celebrate August 11 Noon

Each year as we look forward to another year we also like to take a minute to celebrate what has happened in the precious 12 months. We will get together to celebrate KIDS at noon on August 11. We will meet in the activity center. Lunch will be served, stories will be shared, some pictures might be available as well. Please plan to stay. Your whole family is welcome. We will celebrate with KIDS who have just finished K-6th grade. It will be a great time together.

Promotion August 11

The date for promotion is set. The teachers are working on rosters for their new classes.
When you arrive on August 11 you will direct your kids to the appropriate class for their 2013-14 grade. Kindergarten- 4th grade are in The Spot, room 205. Fifth and 6th graders will meet in The Zone, room 208.
All Babies - prekindergarten are in The Meadow.
All groups meet at 11:15 on Sunday morning. Please keep your children (who are not in The Meadow) with you until 11:15. This will give the teachers opportunity to be prepared for your students when they arrive.
We are looking forward to a great year.