The Z'ONE (short for "Zealous One") . . .

 . . . a place for those 5th and 6th grade "tweeners" to meet and challenge each other to live out their faith everyday in exciting and adventurous ways.

Beginning January 8, the ZONE will meet on Sunday mornings for SENT Discussion Groups with Tim & Sandra at 11:15am (right after Worship).

Thirty years ago, the three years between "single digit" and "teenager" were mostly ignored.  When a child reached ten years of age, they were no longer a "little kid".  On their thirteen birthday, they became a teenager.  In between?  Well, not much.  Too old for the Kids' Ministry, but too young for the Youth Group.  Now, they're a "target market" for books, music, movies, magazines, and TV shows.

There's *so* much for them to do, they don't need, or have time, to get excited about anything in particular.  When was the last time you saw your fifth or sixth grader be zealous about something? 

Meet Your Teacher

Tim R. has been married to his high school sweetheart, Sandra, for over 20 years.  Together, they have two kids, Jonathan (11) and Addison (7).  Tim is passionate about seeing kids being trained and prepared to go into the world and serve God.  Rather than viewing kids as sponges that need to be soaked with Bible knowledge, Tim sees kids as young believers that need to be discipled in the faith.    As the world continues to spin out of control, our kids must be equipped for the battles they face every day, and the bigger battles they'll be facing as adults.  It's Tim's desire to be a resource to Z'One parents, helping them raise their kids to be the Christian leaders of tomorrow's world.

In The Z'ONE we desire that the tweeners who attend move beyond simply knowing right from wrong or choosing behaviors to please the adults in their lives, to beginning to make life choices based on their growing, personal relationship with Jesus.  The Bible stories they have learned and continue to hear help the young followers find ways to become a part of the great story of God.  They are lead gently by their teachers to begin to explore ways that their lives might change as they Follow Jesus and Find Friends.
We grapple with issues like self esteem, popularity, being right, being happy, and making tough choices, and learn what God's Word says about each one.  We work to give kids a foundation of why they have the faith they have. 
We also strive to build a community of parents.  All of us with kids this age are plagued with fear, uncertainty, and doubt about what our kids are thinking, what they're doing, and how to guide them.  In The Z'ONE, we want build each other up and support each other as we work to guide our kids into young adulthood.