Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Trading in those hard earned tickets

Fifth Sundays are store day in The Spot. The kids get to redeem their tickets that they have earned memorizing verses and just for coming. Noah chose very carefully from the available items in the store. I think he chose well!! It's a lot of fun in The Spot. You should plan to come if you are kindergarten-4th grade. See side bar for more details.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Promotion Sunday

August 12 is promotion Sunday.
All KIDS going into kindergarten this year will go to a new classroom on August 12. They will go to room 207. Parents if you could help them find their room the first couple of weeks that would be great.

All KIDS going into 1st-4th grade will meet in room 205, The Spot

All KIDS going into 5th or 6th grade will meet in room 208, The Zone

Little ones in The Meadow will continue to promote based on developmental needs.

Ideas for KIDS Celebrate

Time is getting near for our yearly celebration of all you have accomplished in KIDS elementary groups this past 12 months. This Sunday we want you to finalize a plan for your part in KIDS Celebrate. Maybe you want to:
Create a poster with a verse you have been working on
Paint a picture of God's creation
Build a sculpture of your favorite animal.
Recreate a Bible story with a cartoon you make
Share a poem you have written worshipping God.
Sing a song in praise to God.
Put on a puppet show about a Bible story
Share a play you wrote about loving others
Keep thinking.....
We will ask you to decide for sure this Sunday. See you then.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


We have been having quite a week at VBS. Only one day left. Come Sunday and see some of the decorations, hear some of the stories and sing some of the songs. 10:00 Sunday. See you then.

What's your talent?

God has made each of you with unique interests---different from anyone else on earth. When you use those interests, gifts, talents, passions that God has given you it is a way of worshipping God. You add to the Kingdom of God when you use those talents.
At KIDS celebrate you can create some type of presentation or display that can use your gifts and honor God. Maybe you want to build a Lego creation to illustrate a Bible story. Perhaps you want to create a PowerPoint to share your favorite verse. Maybe you want to bring items you have made and sell them for a cause like Heifer International. The possibilities are endless. Please think of a way you can share during KIDS celebrate on August 5 at noon.
Don't forget to RSVP to teri@cornerstone4u.org

KIDS Celebrate

Please note that we are quickly coming upon Sunday August 5 which will be a day to celebrate our last year of KIDS. we want all families of elementary KIDS to participate. It will start at noon right at Cornerstone. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP to teri@cornerstone4u.org.