Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Card Collection

As families we receive Christmas cards throughout this holiday season. Some have photos, others have notes and letters. What do you do with these now that Christmas is over?
There are many things you can do, but one thing I might suggest is a prayer ring. Hole punch all the cards and photos and put them on a binder ring. Put them in your car or in the middle of the kitchen table. Each time you see it you can pray for one or all of the families on your prayer ring. If you prefer you can divide them up and make a ring for each person. You can keep it near your bed and add these friends to your nightly prayers. Friends are some of God's most precious gifts to us. This is a great way to invest in our friends. When you wear the cards out maybe you will have a stack of birthday cards from friends and you can make a new ring.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Surprise Sack

Mysteries have long been the magic that draws children into exploration. The challenge of the unknown, the excitement at the discovery, the intrigue of the clues. We want to channel that kind of enthusiasm into Spiritual mystery and exploration. KIDS here at Cornerstone are going to begin having their own moments of mystery each Wednesday night starting in January. Each week a "Surprise Sack" will go home with some lucky kid. When they get the sack home they will have a week to decide what mystery item they want to put in the sack. The only rules are: nothing alive or previously alive, nothing toxic, must be rated G, and it must fit in the sack. Then they will bring the sack to Friends/Time on Wednesday night. Then I, or another adult, will reveal the mystery item and share a faith analogy related to that item. Of course the goal is to stump the teacher, put something in the sack that can't be related to faith. Let the challenge begin!!!
So be sure you don't miss your chance to take the Surprise Sack home. Plan to get together with your friends on Wednesday nights for dinner at 6:00 and mystery time to follow.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Extra transition on December 2

Just wanting all to know that KIDS will be coming back to worship from KIDS Church after the sermon on Sunday December 2. We will all participate in Chuck's surprise appreciation day. If you have little ones in The Meadow you should pick them up following the sermon as well. You should have received an email outlining the appreciation.
Then following the end of service we will go back upstairs to The Spot and back to The Meadow for Sunday school.
Thank you for your patience as we make this extra transition to assure everyone gets to participate in honoring Chuck.
If you have any questions please call me. 816-805-7774.

Teri Shipley

Friday, November 23, 2012

Revamped KIDS Club Agenda

As a community, a family, at Cornerstone it has always been a goal of KIDS ministry to present as many opportunities for sharing life together as possible. Admittedly, we have done better at that at some times than others. Life becomes busy and it is difficult to always be together. Yet, there is something beneficial when we can share life. It is desirable to create the time and space for that in the best way for the families and situations which make us who we are. Every family's situation is unique and it is not always possible to make every opportunity accessible to all; but that is always the goal.

Because of changing needs and circumstances the KIDS team is excited to revamp our mid week get together time so more families might be able to participate with as little drain on the families as possible. We are continuing with our dinner on Wednesday nights from 6:00-6:30. Then KIDs and their families will hang out around the dinner tables from 6:30-7:00 for a family event. There will not be separate classes for ages birth-6th grade and the family session will only last about 20-25 minutes. It will be a time when we will do many things as families. There will be weeks where we will worship as families. Some of the nights we will have guests who might bring puppets or balloon sculpting. Others might share a story or an object lesson. There will be opportunity from time to time to help with a service project. These sessions will be planned by staff and you as families will just need to show up and participate. This change will be implemented immediately, Wednesday November 28, 2012 will be our first night with our new schedule. The sessions until Christmas break will be as follows:
November 28- Decorating for Christmas
December 5- Monthly Birthdays and Christmas Story and Christmas Carol singing
December 12- Object lesson and Christmas carol singing
December 19- All Church Soup dinner and cookie exchange followed by All Church Carol singing.
All input is welcome. Please contact Teri at or 816-805-7774.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Gospel for KIDS

Do We Need Gospel-Centered Bible Study for Our Kids?

by Trevin Wax on Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This article is courtesy of ParentLife Magazine.

How do you teach the Bible to your kids? Do you worry that Bible study is not impacting their hearts but that the primary message you are giving to your children is simply that they need to "be good?"

What sometimes gets lost in the journey through Bible stories is the good news of what Christ has done to save the lost. In other words, in focusing on behavior, we may be missing the heart-change brought about by the gospel. Check out these four truths that should be a hallmark of a Bible study centered on the gospel.

1. The Bible tells one big story

When we take Bible stories out of context to glean moral lessons from them, we can leave kids with the impression that the Bible is much like Aesop's fables - interesting tales with moral application. Even though the Bible has moral application, it actually tells one overarching story. These stories fit together. They tell us the story of our world - where we've come from and where we are going. It's important that children recognize how these Bible stories are connected.

2. The Bible is about God

Once we recognize that the Bible is telling us a great story, we discover the truth that we are not the main characters. The Bible is about God. He is the hero. These stories provide us with moral application, yes. But before we get to application, we ought to ask, "What does this story tell us about God?" If the Bible's big story is about God bringing about redemption of His fallen world, then what picture of God do we see in the smaller stories?

3. The Bible points us to Jesus

One of the statements I like to make from time to time is that "Bible study won't necessarily change your life." What I mean is this: Just because you know the Bible doesn't mean the Word will bear fruit in your life. It is possible to know the Scriptures, read the Scriptures, revere the Scriptures, study the Scriptures, and miss the point entirely. Jesus told the Jewish leaders of the day that even though they had meticulous knowledge of the Old Testament, they had missed the truth that the Old Testament is ultimately about Him. Whenever we study the stories of the Bible, we need to ask how they point us to Christ. The reason God's Word changes our life is because in the Scriptures we are introduced to Jesus, the Author.

4. The Bible calls for obedience grounded in the gospel and in the power of the Holy Spirit

Now, back to moral principles and application. Biblical behavior should not flow from obligation and compulsion. God cares about our hearts. Our hearts are not changed by the commands of the Law. Our hearts are changed when they overflow with love for the Savior. As we experience the grace of what God has done for us in Christ, our hearts are free to worship and obey. It's important that we take care not to give our children commands without showing them how the Holy Spirit, through the gospel, gives them the strength to obey these commands.

The purpose of Bible study is to know God and make Him known. The Bible unveils Jesus Christ as the focal point of human history. All creation exists by Him, through Him, to Him, and for Him. That's the only kind of Bible study that will change your life.

Drive-In Movie

Don't forget....tonight (Saturday November 10) there is a "drive-in" movie for kids of all ages. Create a car, then drive on over to cornerstone at 5:30 for a night at the movies. Concession stand will be available with lite dinner items and snacks. The feature film will be Madagascar 3. Bring friends. Hope to see you there.
If you don't have a car just bring a sleeping bag and enjoy the fun along with everyone else.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's A Shoe In

Ok...well maybe not a "shoe in" but many other things can go in the shoebox. We will be packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child on Sunday evening November 11. We start with our ministry plan presentation at 4:00 and following that we will order pizza and pack shoeboxes for children all over the world. Please please join us.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Spot

The Spot (K-4th) is a hopping place on Sunday mornings. The teachers are fantastic. The students are thinkers! The Bible is the basis for our teaching and we like being together. You should come and join us. Sunday mornings KIDS church during the sermon with Sunday School following. Dismissal time is noon.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Following Jesus

Today Noah Hogan made his love for God public by being baptized. He was very excited for this moment. He made a decision 3 weeks back and couldn't wait to take this step. We are all so excited Noah as you step out in faith and see where God is taking you now.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Hey! Calling all kids!! We are a few weeks into our new KIDS Club session. It is not too late for you to join if you haven't yet. There's an extra bonus of dinner at 6:00. Last night was pizza. Luke was loving the pizza. Hope to see you next Wednesday at Cornerstone Church. Dinner at 6:00. KIDS Club at 6:30.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Don't Forget to RSVP for KIDS Celebrate

This Sunday is KIDS celebrate. We will be celebrating all the faith milestones for the year and sharing our worship moments. Don't forget to RSVP or 816-805-7774.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Trading in those hard earned tickets

Fifth Sundays are store day in The Spot. The kids get to redeem their tickets that they have earned memorizing verses and just for coming. Noah chose very carefully from the available items in the store. I think he chose well!! It's a lot of fun in The Spot. You should plan to come if you are kindergarten-4th grade. See side bar for more details.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Promotion Sunday

August 12 is promotion Sunday.
All KIDS going into kindergarten this year will go to a new classroom on August 12. They will go to room 207. Parents if you could help them find their room the first couple of weeks that would be great.

All KIDS going into 1st-4th grade will meet in room 205, The Spot

All KIDS going into 5th or 6th grade will meet in room 208, The Zone

Little ones in The Meadow will continue to promote based on developmental needs.

Ideas for KIDS Celebrate

Time is getting near for our yearly celebration of all you have accomplished in KIDS elementary groups this past 12 months. This Sunday we want you to finalize a plan for your part in KIDS Celebrate. Maybe you want to:
Create a poster with a verse you have been working on
Paint a picture of God's creation
Build a sculpture of your favorite animal.
Recreate a Bible story with a cartoon you make
Share a poem you have written worshipping God.
Sing a song in praise to God.
Put on a puppet show about a Bible story
Share a play you wrote about loving others
Keep thinking.....
We will ask you to decide for sure this Sunday. See you then.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


We have been having quite a week at VBS. Only one day left. Come Sunday and see some of the decorations, hear some of the stories and sing some of the songs. 10:00 Sunday. See you then.

What's your talent?

God has made each of you with unique interests---different from anyone else on earth. When you use those interests, gifts, talents, passions that God has given you it is a way of worshipping God. You add to the Kingdom of God when you use those talents.
At KIDS celebrate you can create some type of presentation or display that can use your gifts and honor God. Maybe you want to build a Lego creation to illustrate a Bible story. Perhaps you want to create a PowerPoint to share your favorite verse. Maybe you want to bring items you have made and sell them for a cause like Heifer International. The possibilities are endless. Please think of a way you can share during KIDS celebrate on August 5 at noon.
Don't forget to RSVP to

KIDS Celebrate

Please note that we are quickly coming upon Sunday August 5 which will be a day to celebrate our last year of KIDS. we want all families of elementary KIDS to participate. It will start at noon right at Cornerstone. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP to

Monday, May 21, 2012

Workers Needed

It is exciting to see The Meadow blooming. The Meadow, as you know, is the place babies-per kindergarten kids hang out. We are blooming and need to open another room. We are in need of 5 caring adults to take one week a month to mentor 2 year olds. If you might be interested in this service please contact Teri at 816-805-7774. You will be blessed.

Vacation Bible School

Make your plans to hang out at Cornerstone July 16-20 for VBS. invite your friends. Invite your neighbors. Invite your cousins. Invite everyone you see. The more the merrier.
Our theme this year is about Courage. It is set in Babylon where Daniel and his friends are slaves. It takes great courage to serve God in that place. Come learn more....test your courage.

summer schedule changes

As most of you know...KIDS at the Lake has been postponed. Chuck and Tina were to be our hosts, but their recent famiy needs prevent them from hosting at this time. If it is possible to reschedule we will get that info out as soon as possible. Thanks for understanding.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Our lives become very compartmentalized. Maybe it’s just mine. My brain is so compartmentalized that I have to go to the grocery store for each separate event I need groceries for. I have decided maybe it is a survival technique. I can’t bear to think about all the upcoming things I need to do. That would be too overwhelming. Instead I focus on one aspect and manage that—then move on to the next. Consequently, my life can be more complicated by the disjointedness of my thinking.

Asking families to be involved in SENT may feel like a separate compartment that you need to add and manage in your already overloaded schedules. After all we as families have many compartments. Right? School. Sports. Music. Family. Church. How can we add one more. There are too many to deal with. We will never get around to SENT compartment.

My challenge to you, as families, is to not think of SENT as a separate “thing” to be gotten around to. Think of SENT as the “way” in which you are going to get around to all those other things. SENT is a mindset, an awareness of those around you, as you go about your everyday life, and how you can offer friendship that brings hope.

After all Jesus said, “The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things…” John 14:12 What greater things are you being SENT to?