Asking families to be involved in SENT may feel like a separate compartment that you need to add and manage in your already overloaded schedules. After all we as families have many compartments. Right? School. Sports. Music. Family. Church. How can we add one more. There are too many to deal with. We will never get around to SENT compartment.
My challenge to you, as families, is to not think of SENT as a separate “thing” to be gotten around to. Think of SENT as the “way” in which you are going to get around to all those other things. SENT is a mindset, an awareness of those around you, as you go about your everyday life, and how you can offer friendship that brings hope.
After all Jesus said, “The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things…” John 14:12 What greater things are you being SENT to?
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